Vacation Watch
Provide us the details of your property and the date ranges you will be gone. Once added to our database, your property will be added to our list of vacation watches for officers to check on (time-permitting).
At Risk Residents
If you are an At Risk Resident, or the primary contact, enter your contact information here for our records. In the event of an emergency, we will have quick access to your details.

Vacation Watch services are available only to residents of the Town of Argyle or residents of areas where the Argyle Police Department has primary jurisdiction, such as portions of the Harvest neighborhood.   Any individual, regardless of the location of their residence, with autism, other special needs, or memory loss issues may be entered as an “At Risk Resident” if there is a possibility our officers may come into contact with them.   

For information or inquiries, please contact us at 940-464-7254 or


If this is an emergency, please call 911