Vacation Watch
Provide us the details of your property and the date ranges you will be gone. Once added to our database, your property will be added to our list of vacation watches for officers to check on (time-permitting).
Citizen Reporting
Provide us with details of incidents that do not require an immediate police response. We will review the details and act accordingly.
At Risk Residents
If you are an At Risk Resident, or the primary contact, enter your contact information here for our records. In the event of an emergency, we will have quick access to your details.


The Warrenville Police Department offers Vacation Watches as a courtesy to our residents.  Our officers will make every effort to check your residence while you are away, dependent on officer availability and call volume. Please take all necessary precautions to safeguard your home and enlist the assistance of friends and neighbors to check on your property in your absence. Vacation house watches will be granted for a minimum of 2 days up to 20 days



Any information provided to the Police Department pertaining to an At Risk Resident will remain confidential and available to only police personnel 

If this is an emergency, please call 911