Vacation Watch
Provide us the details of your property and the date ranges you will be gone. Once added to our database, your property will be added to our list of vacation watches for officers to check on (time-permitting).
If you are a local business or residence, enter your contact information here for our records. In the event of an emergency, we will have quick access to your key holders.

Going on a well-deserved vacation, planning to be out of town, or away from home for an extended period of time? The Vacation House Check Program is an invaluable 

courtesy service offered by the Perry Township Police Department to its residents. The primary purpose of this program is to offer vacationing, seasonal, and year-round

residents the reassurance that if a problem exists at their property such as suspicious activity, utility emergencies, or other emergency conditions, the resident or their

designated key holder can be contacted expeditiously. 


It is important to note that the Vacation House Check Program is not intended, or designed, to replace home security systems or other security services. Rather, it is a 

courtesy service designed to further protect your home and enhance the Police Department’s ability to rapidly respond to, and remedy, an emergency at the homes of our 


If this is an emergency, please call 911