At-Risk Residents Email Notifications
Enter the emails you want to be notified anytime an At-Risk Resident entry is made.
Pet Management - Declared Dangerous
New checkbox for "Declared Dangerous" has been added to Pet Management.
Vacation Watch Resident Emails
When Vacation Watch premise checks are marked "All Ok", you can now incorporate the narrative entered, in the email to the resident.
Overnight Parking Mandatory Reason
Make Overnight Parking Reason a mandatory field for entry submission.
In Manage Account > Overnight Parking > The check box next to Reason, 'Is ONP Reason Mandatory' will make this a required field.
At-Risk Residents Action History
When viewing an At-Risk Resident entry, you can now make entries with Date, Time and a Narrative of the interaction at the bottom of the window.
You can also view all past interactions that have been entered in that Residents details.