Policy Tracker



This video explains how to utilize the new Bulletins section in the Document Library.

Accreditation Standards


This video explains how to utilize our new Accreditation Standards section.

Archived Policy Keyword Search


Under the Archived Policy section, you can now keyword search the policy name.

Signature Approval Status


View the Supervisor Approval Report for a list of all current policies with their Creator, and Approval status.

From here you can download the policy and signatures.

Download Archived Policies


When viewing Archived Policies, you can now download all as a Zip file in the top right corner. 

Sub Categories


Add in Sub Categories in Manage Policy Attributes, select the Category you want that Sub Category associated with, and type it in.

When creating your policies you will have a drop down to select Sub Categories.

In the Policies tab you can filter by Sub Categories.

Hide All Policies/Memos


Hide the 'All Policies', and or 'All Memos' Tab from all users, under Manage Account.

Whats New!


Quickly access Frontline's updates with the 'Whats New!' icon in the top right of the program, or My Frontline.

This will take you directly to our Software Updates page, where we keep you up to date with recent product development!

Archived Signatures Report


View all archived signatures in your Employee Signature Status Report.

This new feature allows you to easily download your historical data of Policy Distribution, and Signature Status in a PDF or Excel Document.

Reports > Policy Report > Employee Signature Status > Click the employee name > Select the drop down arrow next to the 'View' icon.


Download Archived Policy Signature Acknowledgement


View and download archived policy signature acknowledgments.

Go to Reports > Policy Report > Policy Distribution/Overview > Select the name of the policy > Select 'View Archived' at the top > 'View' Policy > 'View' Employee.

It will bring up the archived policy with employee signature, you can then download the policy with the signature acknowledgement at the bottom of the screen.

Policy Tracker - Download Memo Signature


When you view a Memo you can now click 'Download Signature Acknowledgement' and download the signature, and memo in one PDF.

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